2015 (Espoir/u23):
30th - Trofee Maarten Wynants (Houthalen-Helchteren) 16/5/15
96th - Puivelde Koerse 13/5/15
""" - Ronde van Vlaanderen UCI U23 Nations Cup 11/4/15 (*Bad accident)
""" - Omloop het Waasland UCI 1.2 15/3/15 (*Bad accident)
66th - Wanzele Koerse 11/3/15
""" - Etoile de Besseges UCI 2.1 Stage 3
55th -Etoile de Besseges UCI 2.1 Stage 2
129th - Etoile de Besseges UCI 2.1 Stage 1
""" - Grand Prix Marseillaise UCI 1.1
Part of Cycling Ireland u23 High Performance Team
2014 (Espoir/u23):
21st - Sint Pauwels 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 17/9/14
5th - Massemen-Wetteren 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 15/9/14
18th - Zonnebeke 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 3/9/14
17th - Ooigem 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 1/9/14
2nd - Verrebroek 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 30/8/14
32nd - Puurs 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 24/8/14
55th - Vinkt 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 23/8/14
60th - General Classification; Ronde van Oost Vlaanderen 13-17/8/14
69th - Stage 5; Ronde van Oost Vlaanderen 17/8/14
90th - Stage 4; Ronde van Oost Vlaanderen 16/8/14
72nd - Stage 3; Ronde van Oost Vlaanderen 15/8/14
98th - Stage 2; Ronde van Oost Vlaanderen 14/8/14
70th - Stage 1; Ronde van Oost Vlaanderen 13/8/14
57th - General Classification; Tour de la Province de Namur 2.12 6-10/8/14
59th - Stage 5; Tour de la Province de Namur 2.12 10/8/14
63rd - Stage 4; Tour de la Province de Namur 2.12 9/8/14
80th - Stage 3; Tour de la Province de Namur 2.12 8/8/14
30th - Stage 2; Tour de la Province de Namur 2.12 7/8/14
93rd - Stage 1; Tour de la Province de Namur 2.12 6/8/14
39th - Deinze 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 30/7/14
7th - 2-day Classification; Bambrugge 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 26+28/7/14
16th - Bambrugge 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 28/7/14
17th - Bambrugge 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 26/7/14
11th - Sinaai-Waas 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 21/7/14
21st - Lichtervelde 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 19/7/14
26th - Ingelmunster 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 18/7/14
80th - European Championship U23 - Road Race 13/7/14
85th - Omloop Het Niuewsblad voor Beloften UCI 1.2 5/7/14
7th - u23 Men; Irish National RR Championships 29/6/14
20th - Elite Men; Irish National RR Championships 29/6/14
""" - IWT Jong Maar Moedig (Oetingen) UCI 1.2 25/6/14
29th - U23 GC; Tour des Pays de Savoie UCI 2.2 19-22/6/14
61st - General Classification; Tour des Pays de Savoie UCI 2.2 19-22/6/14
52nd - Stage 5; Tour des Pays de Savoie UCI 2.2 22/6/14
63rd - Stage 4; Tour des Pays de Savoie UCI 2.2 21/6/14
68th - Stage 3; Tour des Pays de Savoie UCI 2.2 21/6/14
58th - Stage 2; Tour des Pays de Savoie UCI 2.2 20/6/14
79th - Stage 1; Tour des Pays de Savoie UCI 2.2 19/6/14
""" - Bottelare 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 9/6/14
15th - Horebeke 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 8/6/14
45th - Beselare 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 6/6/14
1st - Chapeau Classication; An Post Ras UCI 2.2 18-25/5/14
9th - U23 GC; An Post Ras UCI 2.2 18-25/5/14
4th - County Rider GC; An Post Ras UCI 2.2 18-25/5/14
34th - General Classification; An Post Ras UCI 2.2 18-25/5/14
46th - Stage 8; An Post Ras UCI 2.2 25/5/14
2nd - County Rider Stage 7; An Post Ras UCI 2.2 24/5/14
27th - Stage 7; An Post Ras UCI 2.2 24/5/14
37th - Stage 6; An Post Ras UCI 2.2 23/5/14
25th - Stage 5; An Post Ras UCI 2.2 22/5/14
1st - County Rider Stage 4; An Post Ras UCI 2.2 21/5/14
12th - Stage 4; An Post Ras UCI 2.2 21/5/14
54th - Stage 3; An Post Ras UCI 2.2 20/5/14
78th - Stage 2; An Post Ras UCI 2.2 19/5/14
120th - Stage 1; An Post Ras UCI 2.2 18/5/14
47th - General Classification; Tour de la Manche 7-11/5/14
55th - Stage 6; Tour de la Manche 1.12 11/5/14
33rd - Stage 5; Tour de la Manche 1.12 10/5/14
46th - Stage 4; Tour de la Manche 1.12 10/5/14
47th - Stage 3; Tour de la Manche 1.12 9/5/14
76th - Stage 2; Tour de la Manche 1.12 8/5/14
52nd - Stage 1(Prologue); Tour de la Manche 1.12 7/5/14
31st - Meigem-Deinze 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 1/5/14
74th - GP Affligem 1.12 ELITE Interclub 27/4/14
""" - ZLM Tour UCI u23 Nations Cup 19/4/14
78th - La Cote Picarde UCI u23 Nations Cup 16/4/14
48th - Ronde van Vlaanderen UCI u23 Nations Cup 12/4/14
71st - Waarschoot 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 30/3/14
71st - Zuidkempense Pijl/GP Wilfried Peeters 1.12 ELITE Interclub 23/3/14
73rd - Nieuwrode 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 16/3/14
50th - Paris-Evreux Classic 1.12 8/3/14
Part of Cycling Ireland u23 High Performance Team
2013 (Espoir/u23):
36th - Maldegem 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 19/9/13
35th - Viane-Geraardsbergen Pro Race 16/9/13
13th - Sleidinge 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 14/9/13
17th - Westkerke 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 12/9/13
131st - Berlare 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 7/9/13
85th - Izegem Prof Koers 5/9/13
12th - Nevele 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 2/9/13
15th - Marke 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 31/8/13
28th - Baardegem 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 29/8/13
31st - Oordegem 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 27/8/13
""" - Meulbeke Prof Koers 24/8/13
66th - Omloop van de Grensstreek Wervik 1.12 ELITE Interclub 20/8/13
28th - Balegem 1.12B 19/8/13
90th - General Classement; Ronde van Oost Vlaanderen 2.13 18/8/13
88th - Stage 5; Ronde van Oost Vlaanderen 2.13 18/8/13
110th - Stage 4; Ronde van Oost Vlaanderen 2.13 17/8/13
94th - Stage 3; Ronde van Oost Vlaanderen 2.13 16/8/13
69th - Stage 2; Ronde van Oost Vlaanderen 2.13 15/8/13
96th - Stage 1; Ronde van Oost Vlaanderen 2.13 14/8/13
16th - Bottelare 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 11/8/13
""" - Overijse 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 10/8/13
18th - Lokeren 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 5/8/13
27th - Schepdaal 1.12B Elite ZC/u23 3/8/13
6th - Deinze 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 30/7/13
''''' - Buggenhout Prof Koers 28/7/13
22nd - Deinze 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 24/7/13
34th - General Classification Tweedaagse Venhuizen 2.12 14/7/13
18th - Stage 3 Tweedaagse Venhuizen 2.12 14/7/13
37th - Stage 2 Tweedaagse Venhuzien 2.12 13/7/13
23rd - Stage 1 Tweedaagse Venhuizen 2.12 13/7/13
9th - Knesselare 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 9/7/13
62nd - GP Jempi Monsere Roeselare Prof Koers 7/7/13
""" - Kruishoutem 2/7/13
""" - Nationals 23/6/13
""" - Fleche Ardennaise UCI 1.2 16/6/13
21st - Oudenburg 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 13/6/13
31st - Ursel 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 10/6/13
34th - Lessignes - Ghoy 1.12O Elites/u23 8/6/13
""" - Heistse Pijl Prof.Kermis Elite M.C/Z.C/u23 1/6/13
""" - Gullegem Prof.Kermis Elite M.C/Z.C/u23 28/5/13
""" - Stage 4 An Post Ras UCI 2.2 22/5/13
155th - Stage 3 An Post Ras UCI 2.2 21/5/13
91st - Stage 2 An Post Ras UCI 2.2 20/5/13
57th - Stage 1 An Post Ras UCI 2.2 19/5/13
24th - General Classification Tour du Loiret France 2.12
2nd - Team Classement Tour du Loiret France 2.12
56th - Stage 3 Tour du Loiret France 2.12 12/5/13
22nd - Stage 2 Tour du Loiret France 2.12 11/5/13
49th - Stage 1, Tour du Loiret France 2.12 10/5/13
41st - Laarne 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 5/5/13
53rd - Meigem-Deinze 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 1/5/13
""" - Vilvoorde 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23
45th - Beselare-Zonnebeke 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 21/4/13
""" - La Cote Picardie UCI u23 Nations Cup 10/4/13
""" - Ronde Van Vlaanderen UCI u23 Nations Cup 6/4/13
""" - Pollare 1.13 u23
39th - Anzegem 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 30/3/13
63rd - Bellegem 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 28/3/13
85th - Brugge-Sint Kruis 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 18/3/13
""" - Kattekoers UCI 1.2 12/3/13
53rd - Wanzele-Lede (Pro Kermesse) Elite M.C/Z.C/u23 6/3/13
33rd - Vollezele 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 3/3/13
Part of the u23 Irish National Team
2012 (Espoir/u23):
55th - Lottenhule 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 10/10/12
31st - Maldegem 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 19/9/12
14th - Kluisbergen-Ruien 1.13 u23 16/9/12
46th - Sleidinge 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 15/9/12
30th - Sint Gillas Waas 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 6/9/12
15th - Hulste 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 4/9/12
18th - Wambeek-Ternat 1.12B Elite Z.C/u23 18/8/12
34th - Kruishoutem 1.13 u23 15/8/12
45th - Schuiferskapelle 1.13 u23 12/8/12
56th - Zillebeke-Westouter-Zillebeke EL 1.12 (Beker van Belgie) 1/8/12
67th - Zandvoorde-Oostende Kermesse 1.12B Elite Z.C./u23 29/7/12
36th - Moorsele Kermesse 1.12B Elite Z.C./u23 27/7/12
3rd - Cork RR Championships A1 Category 19/6/12
1st - Cork u23 RR Championships 19/6/12
1st - Cork RR Championships A2 Category 19/6/12
2nd - Cycling Pursuits TT 17/5/12
27th - General Classification Tour of Ulster International 3-day
8th - Team Classification Tour of Ulster International 3-day
4th - Senior A2 Category Tour of Ulster International 3-day
5th - Espoir/u23 Category Tour of Ulster International 3-day
14th - Stage 4 Tour of Ulster International 3-day 7/5/12
23rd - Stage 3 (TT) Tour of Ulster International 3-day 6/5/12
31st - Stage 2 Tour of Ulster International 3-day 6/5/12
46th - Stage 1 Tour of Ulster International 3-day 5/5/12
DNS - Rutland-Melton International CiCLE Classic (UCI) 29/4/12
19th - General Classification Kerry Group Ras Mumhan International 4-day
1st - Senior 2 Category Kerry Group Ras Mumhan International 4-day
5th (1st Irish) - Espoir/u23 Category Kerry Group Ras Mumhan International 4-day
12th - Stage 4 Kerry Group Ras Mumhan International 4-day 9/4/12
56th - Stage 3 Kerry Group Ras Mumhan International 4-day 8/4/12
20th - Stage 2 Kerry Group Ras Mumhan International 4-day 7/4/12
37th - Stage 1 Kerry Group Ras Mumhan International 4-day 6/4/12
20th-25th - Des Hanlon Memorial Classic 25/3/12
10th (2nd A2) - Newbridge GP 18/3/12
19th - Carrick Cabs Cup 17/3/12
Part of Cycling Ireland's u23 Squad
2011 (Junior-2nd Year):
7th - National Road Race Championships 11/9/11
2nd - National Time Trial Championships 10/9/11
60th - Etappe 3 de Westbrabanste Pijl (Holland) Junioren 28/8/11
82nd - Etappe 1 de Westbrabanste Pijl (Holland) Junioren 27/8/11
Crash - Ooike(Wortegem-Petegem) Kermesse 1.14.3 Juniores 21/8/11
In Peleton - Oosterzele Kermesse 1.14.3 Juniores 15/8/11
31st - Kruishoutem Kermesse 1.14.3 Juniores 14/8/11
DNF - Kortrijk Doorniksewijk Kermesse 1.14.3 Juniores 11/8/11
50th - St. Maria Lierde Kermesse 1.14.3 Juniores 7/8/11
38th - Denderwindeke Kermesse 1.14.3 Juniores 6/8/11
Crashed Out - Reningelst Trofee van Vlaanderen Internatie Juniores 1.14 NAT 27/7/11
2nd - Munster Junior RR Champs 3/7/11
Munster Junior TT Champion 30/6/11
3rd - Munster A2 TT Championships 30/6/11
23rd - Schelderode-Merelbeke Kermesse 1.14.3 Juniores 26/6/11
44th - Serskamp Kermesse 1.14.3 Juniores 25/6/11
26th - Ingooigem Kermesse 1.14.3 Juniores 19/6/11
26th - Denderhoutem Kermesse 1.14.3 Juniores 18/6/11
25th - Waregem Kermesse 1.14.3 Juniores 13/6/11
44th - Zedelgem Kermesse 1.14.3 Juniores 11/6/11
13th - Ken O'Keefe Memorial (1st Junior) 15/5/11
7th - Shrewsbury Circuit Race (UK) 7/5/11
15th - Stage 2 (TT) Kanturk 3-day 1/5/11
25th - General Classification (5th Junior) 23-25/4/11
27th - Stage 3, Gorey 3-day 24/4/11
24th - Stage 2 (TT), Gorey 3-day 24/4/11
25th - Stage 1, Gorey 3-day 23/4/11
3rd - "The Edge" Classic (1st Junior) 10/4/11
12th - Ras Luimni Cat.1 (1st Junior) 27/3/11
7th - The Des Hanlon Memorial (1st Junior) 20/3/11
4th - Cycling Pursuits Cup (1st Junior) 6/3/11
Bunch Finish - Lacey Cup 27/2/11
Part of the Irish National Junior Squad
2010 (Junior-1st Year):
1st - Munster RR Championships
1st - Blackwater Triathlon Relay Team (2nd Fastest Bike Split)
1st - Cork County Hillclimb Championships
1st - Hennessy Cycles Summer League
1st - St. Finbarrs Summer League Round ?
2nd - Silver Pail GP (1st Junior)
6th - Junior Category of the Gorey 3-Day
7th - Frank O'Rourke Memorial (2nd Junior)
7th - Stage 2, Cycling Pursuits 2 day (1st Junior)
9th - Stage 1, Cycling Pursuits 2 day (1st Junior)
10th - Junior 1 Category of the International Junior Tour of Ireland
10th - Specsavers GP
11th - Tommy Sheehan Memorial (2nd Junior)
Part of the Irish National Junior Squad
2009 (Under 16):
Part of the Irish EYOF Squad.
1st - Dan Donovan Memorial
1st - Karl McCarthy Memorial
2nd - Kay Stratton/Donal Crowley Memorial (+Sprint Preem)
2nd - Stage 1 Youth Tour of Wales
3rd - Stage 2 Youth Tour of Wales
4th - St. Finbarrs Summer League
5th - Hennessy Cycles Summer League
9th - Stage 3 Youth Tour of Wales
10th - Stage 1 Kanturk 3-day
7th - Stage 4 Youth Tour of Wales
11th - International Mayo Youth Tour Stage 2
17th - International Mayo Youth Tour Stage 1
22nd - General Classification International Mayo Youth Tour
24th - International Mayo Youth Tour Stage 4
26th - International Mayo Youth Tour Stage 3
2008 (Under 15):
1st - Stage 2 Kanturk 3day (Under 15)
1st - Cork County 10 Mile TT Championships
4th - Stage 1, SERC Youth 2-day
5th - Stage 2, SERC Youth 2-day
8th - National TT Championships
21st - Stage 3 International Kerry Youth Tour
2007 (Under 14):
1st - Munster Hillclimb Championships
3rd - Tommy Sheehan Memorial
3rd - Cork County 10 Mile TT Championships
3rd - Hennessy Cycles Summer League
4th - Stage 1, Ras Na nOg
4th - Tommy Brady Memorial
5th - National Road Race Championships
5th - Karl McCarthy Memorial
5th - Stage 4, Kanturk 3 Day
5th - Sean Nolan Meath Grand Prix
5th - General Classification Ras Na nOg
6th - National Criterium Championship
6th - Stage 2 Ras Na nOg
6th - Stage 3 Ras Na nOg
6th - Bill Hyland Memorial
7th - General Classification Kanturk 3 Day
16th - Willebroek Kermesse Belgium - Aspiranten
20th - General Classification International Kerry Youth Tour
2006 (Under 13):
1st - National Championships (Team)
1st - Cork County 10 Mile TT Championships
2nd - Cork County Road Race Championships
3rd - NST Kanturk 3-day
5th - Billy Hyland Memorial
5th - John Drumm Cup
2005 (Under 12):
1st - Munster TT Championships
1st - Cork County 10 Mile TT Championships
2nd - National Criterium Championships
2nd - Karl McCarthy Memorial
3rd - National TT Championships
3rd - National RR Championships
3rd - FBD Insurance Ras Pheonix Park
3rd - Hennessy Cycles Summer Leagues
5th - Tommy Sheehan Memorial
2004 (Under 11):
2nd - Cork County RR Championships
2nd - Hennessy Cycles Summer Leagues
6th - National Championships