Well theres a lesson I've learned about myself in the last few weeks is that headwinds put me in a very bad mood. They raise your heart-rate and make you go slower, and I don't like that. At all. So my hatred for headwinds was yet again confronting me today. I rode up the main roads to avoid the dodge icey parts of the country roads (Again), the start of the spin was great I was convinced that there was no wind at all, looking at tree's, grass, bushes.. everything just to try and make sure there wasn't going to be a wind on the way back- Regardless if there was or not I had to ride back! And, to my pleasant surprise there was. An awful headwind the whole way home over some pretty difficult climbs and drags. By the time I got back to Fermoy I was pretty annoyed, don't really know what it is about the headwinds but they really know how to pull my strings! Apart from that, and nearly getting knocked down by some idiot who just pulled out of a junction onto a main road without even looking, things were good. Met a few groups along the way, maybe 30-40 people in the Blarney group. They were all stopped as one of them had a puncture, and people ask me why I never go on group rides, theres you answer! Why stop, wait around getting cold because someone has got a puncture, and usually in a big group it happens more than once. One of many reasons why I like to ride on my own. This week has been good got some solid endurance stuff done so now I'm looking forward to the coming week.
Just 2 weeks now until the next development camp and preparations are looking good. Got one more week of solid training to do before a more than likely taper week on the lead up to the camp. Can't wait to get up there and ride with the guys, and after that the season is pretty much starting with my first race on the 28th of February, which I'm super exited about. Would be ideal to get out of the country for the February mid-term for a bit of pre-season training, Somewhere with nicer weather anywhere but here really. Get my head together and a nice rest after all the hard training I've put in and maybe get the milk bottle winter legs a bit of colour, but looks like that won't be happening! A day off tomorrow will be nice as the rest of the week will be anything but rest, between school and training it should be a tough week, bring on next weekend! More to come soon. Bye for now people..
P.s. I'm leaving ye with a song I've been playing a lot recently, Great song for training and very motivating!
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